Monday, July 26, 2010

Nertz--My Newest Craze

Last night our friends Brooke and Chase introduced us to a fabulous new card game: NERTZ. Huge thanks to them right now!

Good gravy is this game fun. Here is one note of caution: it is one of those really fast-paced card games. I nearly had a anxiety attack with all of the commotion--hard on type-A personalities like myself--but it was still fun indeed.

Because I want to share the love, I am sharing a youtube video on the game. Enjoy! (Oh, and let me know if you ever want to play!)

Saturday, July 17, 2010

It's 1:42 in the Afternoon, and I Can't Sleep

Hey, friends! I finished my first Relay for Life this morning around 7:40 am. Whew, what that one amazing experience! (When I feel up to posting a few pictures and really thinking about what I am posting, I will get around to writing about it!)

I rushed over the the Holt Arena to pick up my Bountiful Basket then quickly hit the sack at 8:30 am. I woke up at 12:30 pm (I know that you really want to know all about the times!), and I haven't been able to go back to sleep since.

I haven't pulled a true all-nighter since the first year of college, and I can definitely say that there are reasons that I don't do this frequently. However, I have a few good ibuprofen in my system, so I am about to feel like a million bucks. I wouldn't mind if this little body of mine would really rest for another hour or two though.

Well, that is all for now. I can't wait to write more about this event. Preparing has been one of the most difficult challenges I have faced as a mere 25-year-old (I know, that sounds dramatic, but it is very true). All that worry and thought were so worth the time I spent on Century's track, remembering my wonderful Grandpa Jerry, spending time with miraculous survivors like Jeanne and Linda and two Carols, and thinking about my beautiful friend Holly who is battling breast cancer and is younger than I am. The lack of sleep is a small price that I can pay to really pay tribute and think of the people around me who are affected by cancer.

I can't wait to share more about a few of the incredible, invaluable experience I have had over the last 24 hours. Until then, I hope to get a bit more sleep!

Monday, July 12, 2010


Reason #7,284 why I love Idaho:


After a 7-year hiatus, I rediscovered one of my favorite things--fry sauce. (I was a ketchup-only girl after consuming far too much fry sauce during the tween years.) Though I really don't eat out much at all, there is nothing quite like fries and tons of fry sauce. All of this food talk is making me hungry--time to make dinner!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Sweet Relief!

This week I have been a busy girl--busy with lots of organizing. I can't tell you how invigorating this cleaning/organizing spree has been. My tired body is already sleeping before I hit the pillow, and the days feel super-crammed with things to do both at home and in the office. But, I am loving how good this feels and can't wait until everything is really in order! I have have cleaned out everything I can think of:

my purse (How can I fit that much stuff into one bag? Maybe I should downsize a bit!)

my makeup bag (That only took about two minutes, and I crossed it off the grand to-do list!)

my clothing and closet (Now everything I need is in the second bedroom close, neatly stored. Dane will be happy that he doesn't have to get up bright and early with me as I crash around the room looking for jewelry and shirts!)

my binder (The binder that keeps me in control of life, and not the other way around!)

my finances (I updated the budget and goals very first--I think this was my favorite thing to really organize!)

my office (Whew! Today was one crazy day, but that office looks and feels fabulous--with all new decor, including a doctored picture of LeBron James in ISU attire! On another note, is he really going to Miami? And boy, those feet of his are big! )

Items up for tonight: my refrigerator (can hardly wait), my hall linen closet (which has towels pouring out of it--I just hope Dane doesn't try to open the door before I get to this one--or he is in for one surprise), my mail organizing box (which really isn't organized), and that's about it. (I have to leave some time in for"So You Think You Can Dance" and some El Herradero. Come on...)

Don't you just feel liberated when you have organized?!

Here is a little glimpse at the peace I am feeling right now. Can't get much better! (Fabulous image found here.)