Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Taking Time...

Dane is at work right now, so I am spending the next 3 hours with myself. Sometimes I like to do is pretty quiet and peaceful around here! Tonight I am taking some time to do a few things I really want to do...

1. Spruce up the blog (Boy, did it need some TLC)
2. Read some more of "The Lightning Thief" (Pretty interesting so far...Percy is not quite a Harry Potter for me yet)
3. Watch the only 2 shows I truly care to watch at this time ("So You Think You Can Dance" and "Glee"--love those shows)
4. Do some much-needed de-cluttering and organizing in the spare bedroom (Perhaps my favorite task of the evening)
5. Try to write in the journal (I have struggled the past week or two with this little habit)

A very simple night, but a very lovely night indeed. I'll stay busy until Dane comes home, and I can't wait until he comes home!


Steve and Allison said...

love the blog!! the pic is absolutely cute!! and does glee remind you of chorale??? hmmmm...

Shanna and Brad said...

Your blog looks great! I had fun looking at your favorite books. I might just have to read some of them. I haven't watched Glee yet, but it sounds like I should. I too love those evenings where there's several hours to do just what I want to do. Doesn't happen often, but sometimes it's nice.

sam and kyrsten said...

so wonderful to do some things for yourself once in awhile. and way to write in your journal! i really need to follow your example and write in mine!

Justin and Kristin said...

You can do all that in 3 hours?!?!?!