Wednesday, October 24, 2012


You will never have this day with your children again.  
Tomorrow, they'll be a little older than they were today.  
This day is a gift.  
Breathe and notice.  
Smell and touch them; study their faces and little feet and pay attention.  
Relish the charms of the present. 
 Enjoy today, mama. 
It will be over before you know it.
~Jen Hatmaker

My word, this quote is so true!  Today Enzo is 442 days old.  I have definitely been guilty of getting caught up in the monotony of daily life, especially as life has recently changed.  Oh, how I am going to be conscious to not get stuck in the grind.  Each day is so precious and deserves a great deal of attention and intention.

Now, you'll have to excuse me--I am off to bake a cake for Dane's birthday.  If I post pictures on Instagram later, the cake was a tremendous success.  If there is nothing, just know that I tried to be a good little wifey.  May the domestic forces be with me!


Joe and Savanna said...

Gosh Kasi, That poem almost made me cry. Ever since I had Nora I've been so weepy, it's so true though. They grow so fast! :-( Its neat to see her progress though!