I can't tell you how grateful I was to hear that Bunco nights were starting up again. The group is new, and I miss seeing the other girls, but I am stoked about all the newbies. This is going to mean some great monthly girls' nights out! Can't wait. Here is a quick pick of the group (and I think I am the very last person to blog about it).

Now, I H-A-T-E to lose, even if it is just at Bunco. Let's be honest, there is absolutely no strategy or skill involved, but I still want to win. Just the thought of losing gives me a little pit in the stomach. However, when losing means that I am also winning, I will lose any time.
Take exhibit A: the winner's table at Bunco. I may have had the most losses, but I still walked away with a prize (and that is all that matters, well almost all--having fun with great girls is fun too)!

Yay for Bunco! I had so much fun. I love your blog header. And how did you get that fun writing for the titles of your posts? So cute!
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