The holiday season just naturally oozes gratitude, especially Thanksgiving. It is a great time of year to slow down, soak in some life, and consider the many, many blessings you have. Dane's cousins and their friends participate in the annual "Thanksgiving Challenge," and I think it is a great idea! So, for the third year now, I scribbled my thousand bits of gratitude on many, many pieces of paper. I found that I am thankful for everything from my family members to a warm apartment to Andes Mints. So many things! Each year I think that coming up with 1,000 things will be far too difficult; each year I am surprised by just how easy the task really is. I hope that this little tradition makes its way to your home someday too. I asked Mykel if I could share their challenge with the girls in my Young Women's group. She told me that spreading it all over is nothing but a good thing (something to that extent anyway). So, spread the word! Ipromise your heart will be even more full as you spend even more time contemplating the things that make your life so full and wonderful. Happy holidays!

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